The Ultimate Cloth Nappy Sizing Guide for New Parents

The Ultimate Cloth Nappy Sizing Guide for New Parents

One of the most common questions we get asked is "What size nappies do I need to buy?" which can make a lot of sense since reusable sizing is different to disposables. Luckily for you, cloth sizes are much simpler than disposables as they are designed to grow with your child and therefore save money and the environment.

So let's break down the standard reusable nappy sizes...

Birth-To-Potty Nappies

Also known as 'One Size' nappies, these are designed to fit from birth until potty training and operate on a poppered 'rise' system to shorten/lengthen the nappy to your baby's requirements. They're the most economical choice as just 20 nappies will see you almost the whole way through your baby's nappy years (in comparison to 3,000-5,000 disposables). We say *almost* because the reality is that most newborns are just too small for these nappies at birth, we find that most babies will fit birth-to-potty nappies by 3 months of age when they have gained a bit of weight.

Birth-To-Potty nappies typically come in the form of pocket nappies, all-in-ones and all-in-two's.

Examples of Birth-To-Potty Nappies include Little Lovebum, Baba and Boo One Size, and Close Pop-In One Size.

Newborn Nappies

Newborn nappies are typically designed to fit until 12-15lbs (approx 3-6 months) and are the perfect starter nappy for newborns not yet chunky enough for birth-to-potty nappies.

Our Close Pop In Newborn Nappy Box is the perfect starter set for tiny newborns and premature babies as it's designed to fit from 5.5lbs-15lbs. The wraps can be wiped and reused 2 to 3 times before washing, so when paired with additional boosters or muslin cloths can be a complete system for your baby (and any possible future babies)!

Newborn nappies typically come as pocket nappies, all-in-two's or 2-part systems.

Examples of newborn nappies include Close Pop-In NewbornBaba + Boo Newborn Pockets, and Little Lovebum Newbie.

Sized Nappies

Sized nappies come in three sizes:

Size 1 7lbs - 20lbs (3kg to 9kgs) or newborn to 9 months

Size 2 20lbs - 35lbs (9kgs to 17kgs) or 9 months to potty training

Size 3 30lbs (13kgs) upwards - larger toddlers or children slower to potty train

Most babies will only need the first two sizes, potty training before they outgrow size 2, but those needing size three generally only need a few for night-time use. 

Sized nappies typically come as a 2-part system, consisting of an absorbent (shaped or flat) inner nappy and a water resistant outer wrap. Fitted nappies are the best nappies for night time in the reusable world. We recommend 2-3 fitted nappies for every wrap as the wraps can be aired out between uses, only needing a wash after a few uses or when soiled.

Examples of sized nappies/wraps include the Little Lamb Bamboo Fitted Nappy, Muslinz Sized Wrap and the Bambinex Bamboo Fitted Nappy.


How many nappies per day will I need?

For full time use, we recommend 20-25 nappies, which is a drop in the ocean compared to the 5,000 disposables that would be used in the same time! Our blog post, "How Many Cloth Nappies Do I Need?' has plenty more information on this.

Do I need newborn nappies?

It depends - if you're planning in using 'one size' nappies and expecting a larger baby (over 10lbs), then many slimmer brands should fit such as Little Lovebum, Close Pop In, and Tickle Tots. Just be aware that if the leg elastics aren't flush against baby's thighs then you may experience a few leaks - these will disappear as baby grows into the nappy.

If using a sized system then size 1 fitted nappies typically fit from 8lbs, and prefolds from 7lbs, meaning they are great from birth!

Can I use a mix of one size and sized nappies?

Yes! Most parents opt for one size nappies in the day for convenience, and sized fitted nappies at night for absorbency. We recommend having 20 one size nappies for daytime use and 5 sized fitted nappies with 2 wraps for night time use. 

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