Reusable Nappy Week 2021
Monday 19th to Sunday 25th April.
Reusable Nappy Week (formerly known as Real Nappy Week) is an international awareness campaign for cloth nappies. Started in 2000 by the Women’s Environment Network, the week has gone from strength to strength with manufacturers, retailers, nappy libraries, councils, NGOs and parents all getting involved.
At The Friendly Eco we will be having plenty of special offers and giveaways throughout Reusable Nappy Week, and will be spreading the word of reusables on social media as well as our blog. We will be having live demos on Instagram/Facebook throughout the week of your favourite nappy brands such as Close Pop In, Baba & Boo, Little Lamb and more. We will also be answering those common questions such as how to wash your nappies and using cloth on a day out.
You can join our hive to keep up to date with the latest offers and giveaways, as well as join our email list to be even more in the know. If you're taking part in reusable nappy week then be sure to tag us @thefriendlyecobristol and use #ReusableNappyWeek2021 and #TheFriendlyEco so that we can see your wonderful posts!

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